First tooth = first visit
First tooth = first visit
An early visit benefits you in learning about proper oral hygiene and nutrition in order to avoid any mistakes that would lead to Early Childhood Caries. Before the formation of a dental cavity, usually signs such as white streaks or spots appear on the tooth which indicate the loss of Calcium due to acids. The Dentist may diagnose these signs early and will inform you if your child is vulnerable to dental decay. In this case, your Dentist may start the application of Fluoride which will increase the hardness of the child’s teeth. Additionally, you will be provided with special fluoride or other formulas that contain Calcium and Phosphate, which can stop the progression or even can reverse this damage. Also, when the child’s first visit takes place during infancy, before the child has any sort of problem, it helps in familiarizing him/her with the Pediatric Dentist and thus becomes the best weapon against dental phobia. The repetition of dental visits to the dentist every six months helps in the creation of dental culture. This is the best way for a child to develop into an adult with healthy teeth, who is properly informed and without any dental phobias!
When does the first tooth appear?
A child’s first tooth will erupt around the age of 6-10 months, but it is not rare to be delayed up to 18 months. If there is any further delay you should visit a Dentist.
How to relieve the child
Clean the child’s mouth 2-3 times a day by using a wet gauze. Even a cold clean cloth will relieve the child.
Give the child cold toys which are made specifically for this purpose.
The various painkiller gels that are being sold in the market usually offer some help but attention is needed during their use since they numb the inside of the mouth. This may cause reduction of the child’s reflexes and danger in swallowing small objects.
You should keep in mind that the symptoms related with the eruption of the teeth are mild. Severe symptoms should not be associated with the eruption of the teeth.